catawba valley martial arts
near downtown hickory, NC
Monday & Thursday classes (6:30-8:30pm)
mission statement
These are increasingly dangerous times. Therefore, it is our duty at Catawba Valley Martial Arts to propagate a practical MARTIAL art (our emphasis upon the “martial” part, not the “art” part) with traditional roots; to train hard apart from the unhealthy influences of competition; to preserve the indigenous principles of Tomiki Aikido and Traditional Chang Moo Kwan and their unique histories in North Carolina; to hone martial skill under the authority of a Biblical worldview; and to cultivate capabilities that reproduce themselves in others. We give attention in our training to realistic and practical self-defense, the well-springs of kata, bunkai, grappling, randori, kumite, flexibility, agility, endurance, moral virtue, and spiritual fortitude.
a biblical worldview
As one martial arts scholar once affirmed: “Karate is not a religion, neither should it become religious . . . rather, religion provides a necessary moral framework for the study of martial arts. A martial art, thus framed, can then be a tool to strengthen one’s religious faith and an outlet to live a constructive life.” Therefore, our club operates within the moral framework of a Biblical worldview, thereby recognizing only one God, the God of the Bible, and only one Master or Soke in this earthly life, the Lord Jesus Christ. Moreover, we endeavor to use the practice of martial arts as a platform from which to point others to faith in Him.
Catawba Valley Martial Arts is an official member of the Indigenous Tomiki Aikido Alliance (ITAA); and we are considered the East Coast representative of Traditional Chang Moo Kwan based in San Pedro, California.
Our spacious dojo is in the basement of the old Hickory Granary Building, very close to downtown Hickory and Lenoir Rhyne University.